Friday, September 20, 2013

22 Weeks

22 Weeks Update

Baby Size: They are each the length of an ear of corn
Total weight gain: 27 pounds 
Maternity clothes?: With this huge growing belly??? Of course! Mainly just tops though. Lots of my pants still fit, and I wear the heck out of some leggings. 
Sleep: It depends. Some nights I sleep great. Other nights I toss and turn and can't get comfortable. 
Miss Anything?: Still dreaming about that McDonalds coke. I've tried getting a root beer to trick myself into being satisfied. It was just a tease. 
Movement: Yes, lots! It's hard to tell who it is that's kicking at different times though. 
Food cravings: Drinking lots of milk lately! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no!
Gender: Baby girl and Baby boy! Madeline Sophia and Mason Dallas. 
Symptoms: My backaches have been getting pretty bad. I can't sit for too long, but then if I'm on my feet for too long then my feet and ankles start to swell. I've been having to wear compression stockings to work. Yeah....super sexy I know. 
Mood: Don't know if it's feeling of being completely exhausted at the end of everyday, but I've been much more sensitive lately. If Jason looks the least bit irritated with me...I burst into tears. I'm sure he's just loving that. 
Looking forward toOur next ultrasound at 24 weeks!

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