Saturday, October 5, 2013

23 Weeks and 24 Weeks

I can't believe Jason didn't put the chalkboard in this one!

24 Week Update:

Total weight gain: 29 pounds. Yep that's right. Don't think I'm going to have a problem hitting that 50-55 pound mark that is suggested for twins! I still go in shock when I step on the scale at the doctor each week. 
Maternity clothes?: Now that I'm stuck at home I've been wearing lots of Jason's thermals and yoga pants. The yoga pants are mine, not Jason's. Just to clear up any confusion ;)
Sleep: I get up in the middle of the night anywhere from 3-5 times to pee. I also have to take my new medicine (more on that later) at 4:00 in the morning so sleep hasn't been so great lately. Good thing I can nap during the day.  
Miss Anything?: Leaving the house and being able to run errands. There is so much I want to get out and buy for the nursery and the babies. It's so frustrating having Jason just go. The other night he went to Lowe's and we had to Facetime to pick out a chandelier for the nursery! We got one though! Thank God for iPhones! 
Movement: Oh yes! Throughout the entire pregnancy The twins have been positioned kind of ying and yang in there. Mason head down, feet up and really low in my pelvis. While Madeline was head up really high almost up in my ribs. At my 26 week ultrasound I was in shock to see Mason had totally flipped and now their little heads are laying against each other. So now Mason thinks it's fun to kick the crap out of my bladder. 
Food cravings: Been loving pancakes! I eat the frozen microwaveable ones almost every morning! Also loving fruit, especially pineapple.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Belly button in or out: Neither! It's completely flat. Almost looks like I don't even have one. 
Stretch marks: Nope, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Although I don;t have any yet.
Gender: Baby girl and Baby boy! Madeline Sophia and Mason Dallas. 
Symptoms: Don't wanna talk about them.
Mood: Beyond bored and restless! But I know all this time stuck at home and on the couch is worth the twins health and hopefully minimal if any NICU stay. 
Looking forward toMy baby shower this Saturday! 

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Friday, September 20, 2013

22 Weeks

22 Weeks Update

Baby Size: They are each the length of an ear of corn
Total weight gain: 27 pounds 
Maternity clothes?: With this huge growing belly??? Of course! Mainly just tops though. Lots of my pants still fit, and I wear the heck out of some leggings. 
Sleep: It depends. Some nights I sleep great. Other nights I toss and turn and can't get comfortable. 
Miss Anything?: Still dreaming about that McDonalds coke. I've tried getting a root beer to trick myself into being satisfied. It was just a tease. 
Movement: Yes, lots! It's hard to tell who it is that's kicking at different times though. 
Food cravings: Drinking lots of milk lately! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no!
Gender: Baby girl and Baby boy! Madeline Sophia and Mason Dallas. 
Symptoms: My backaches have been getting pretty bad. I can't sit for too long, but then if I'm on my feet for too long then my feet and ankles start to swell. I've been having to wear compression stockings to work. Yeah....super sexy I know. 
Mood: Don't know if it's feeling of being completely exhausted at the end of everyday, but I've been much more sensitive lately. If Jason looks the least bit irritated with me...I burst into tears. I'm sure he's just loving that. 
Looking forward toOur next ultrasound at 24 weeks!

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Friday, September 13, 2013

21 Weeks

21 Weeks Update

Baby Size: They are each  the size of a cantaloupe.
Total weight gain: 27 pounds 
Maternity clothes?: Totally! I mean well I have a giant bump, right? 
Sleep: It depends. Some nights I sleep great. Other nights I toss and turn and can't get comfortable. 
Miss Anything?: Still dreaming about that McDonalds coke. I've tried getting a root beer to trick myself into being satisfied. It was just a tease. 
Movement: Yes, lots! It's hard to tell who it is that's kicking at different times though. 
Food cravings: fruits
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Gender: Baby girl and Baby boy! Madeline Sophia and Mason Dallas. 
Symptoms: These horrible backaches! 
Mood: Happy and tired.
Looking forward toOur next ultrasound at 24 weeks!
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jason + Urinal = 1, but Alisa = 0

I know that I haven't talked much about the home we're building, but anyway...

Well, Jason and his urinal in the man-cave win. I folded. We went and purchased the darn thing. Jason was wheeling that cart around the store with a big grin on his face. I wanted the automatic flusher for the urinal....I mean go big or go home, right? Jason wouldn't spring for it. He said the manual flusher was just fine. Lame! He is always the sensible one I guess. (Well wait, I guess anyone who requests a urinal when they have a perfectly fine toilet two steps away isn't really THAT sensible, huh?) As we left the store I told Jason I would start the cleaning lady search now and have her lined up for after we move in because I am not touching that.

We finally ordered the stone for the front of the house. I think I have changed my mind three times on this. After this last "decision" I told the guy at the lumber yard to just put the order in so I don't change my mind a fourth time. The very next day I had to go into the lumber yard to look at the shower heads for the master bathroom and caught myself yet again looking at different stone. I had to literally force myself to walk away. Certain things for this house I have had a clear picture in my head of what I want and can pick out and make a decision instantly. Kitchen cabinets, siding, windows....easy. This stone and the shingle colors...evidently not so easy. I'm scared for the day I have to decide all the paint colors.

I really like this tile for the bathrooms. It's a light gray with streaks of cream. I think I want to do this in long rectangular tiles instead of the square. Oh here we go again...another decision. 

And can you tell I'm really into gray? In tile and in the book ;)

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gender Reveal Party

Last Sunday we had the gender reveal party for the twins. We were so excited to do this. We had a sonogram last Wednesday and had to wait until Sunday for the party! Talk about anxious! 

We were so set on not knowing anything until the party we even wore headphones during the sonogram so we wouldn't accidentally overhear the two sonographers discussing what they saw! The next day I took the sealed envelope to the bakery and had them make two cakes with either pink or blue  inside each one. And on Sunday we cut them open in front of all our family and friends!

So here is the video! I got so excited I forgot to hold my piece of cake up and tell everyone what I saw! 

It's a boy and a girl! WE COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED! 

Madeline Sophia Rimini and Mason Dallas Rimini

I was so convinced we were having two boys! I just had this feeling all along that it was boys. I really wanted a girl so badly! But I had convinced myself I would be a boy mom! Which is fine....but I can't lie! I really wanted a girl! So when we cut the cake in the video I saw mine was a boy and immediately looked over at Jason's cake! I could not be more thrilled! A boy and a girl seems perfect for our family! Jason's family is all boys and my family is ALL girls. So this is perfect! 

Here are a few pics from the big day!

The group who thought BOY/GIRL

The group who thought GIRL/GIRL

The group who thought BOY/BOY

My mom, sister, and stepdad even had shirts made!

It was such an exciting day! Thank you to all who came and a very special thanks to my friend Vanessa who was the only one who knew the genders and kept it a secret until the party! Love you Ness! 

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